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popular revolt

with Alexandro Segade

Co-directed and written with Alexandro Segade, Popular Revolt draws on the structure of Bertolt Brecht’s Lehrstück, He Said Yes / He Said No, (1930) — a play with two different outcomes based on a fatal question posed to the protagonist — updating the formula by depicting the sometimes absurd, often abject choices we make in order to survive within a system of American neoliberal capitalism. Depicting workplace scenarios such as “creepiness,” and “whiteness,” each scene poses a question of consent to the workers. Through direct interactions with the cast, the audience answered these questions and determined which scene would come next. As a result, the audience governed the trajectory of the play, which changed with each performance.

Originally commissioned by NYU Skirball Center as an evening length performance for the Karl Marx Festival: On Your Marx, in October of 2018, Popular Revolt featured the participation of Miguel Gutierrez, Latasha N. Nevada Diggs, Ryan McNamara, Seung-Min Lee, Alison Kizu-Blair and Malik Gaines as "the freelancers," and Lorenzo Bueno, Lee Nachum, and Edythe Woolley as "the interns." 


Popular Revolt was performed in abbreviated form as part of REDCAT’s New Original Works Festival in August of 2019 with Sophia Le Fraga, Vishal Jugdeo, and Amira Nader.

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